Chess is one of the oldest and most popular board games. It is played by two opponents on a checkered board.The objective of the game is to capture the opponent’s king.
Chess game in its way has improved children’s concentration, problem solving, critical, original and creative thinking and even mathematical abilities. It is also said to help with memory storage and how young brains manage information.
It enhances your ability to interact with other people. It tests your sportsmanship in a competitive environment. Chess improves school work and grades. Numerous studies have proven that kids obtain a higher reading level, math level and a greater learning ability overall as a result of playing chess.
Creative Kids Academy help kids learn to think deeply about the decisions they make, and how those choices might affect them or others. While playing chess its always against an opponent, learning to anticipate the moves of others can help kids build empathy to learn what they might do in another person’s place.Here our champions not only train the students as a good chess player but co-relates the game to their life lessons.
Now its time to get started with Creative Kids Academy to start the game of chess,with the objective to checkmate the opponent.